As one of Turkey's most prominent Star Wars communities, Sithpedi is a hub for all Turkish fans via its Instagram, Discord, and wiki platforms.
Discord: 5600 • Instagram: 10K (1/2024)
Sithpedi Fanon is the only place where Turkish Star Wars fans can contribute with their fanon about the Star Wars universe. Sithpedi founded Sithpedi Fanon.
Articles: 604 (1/2024)
The only Turkish Warhammer 40K databank, Warhammer 40K wiki aims to grow the Turkish W40K community and onboard new members every day.
Türkçe Vikiler Topluluğu (TVT, "Turkish Wikis Community") is a community that unites Turkish wikis no matter their host. TVT aims to expand the wiki culture in Turkey and provide support for it.
Member wikis: 15 (1/2024)
YVH 2.5 is a Discord bot that Sithpedi's Discord server uses for moderation and members' ease. It's created by east (myself) and available only to Sithpedi.
Commands: 74